Soft Launch
Soft Launch Participants:
Thank you for participating in this important phase of our go-to-market strategy. We appreciate you and look forward to receiving your honest feedback as we prepare to officially launch Bow Ball.
Explore & Evaluate: Navigate the website, take note of your thoughts, and any areas that catch your attention.
Enjoy: If you would like to purchase something during Soft Launch please enjoy a 15% discount on us. At check out, please enter the special discount code included in the Soft Launch Invitation you received via email. Code expires on 10/20/23.
Elevate Bow Ball: After exploring the website, please access the survey link from the Soft Launch Invitation email and complete survey before the survey close date listed in your invitation.
Thanks for helping us elevate Bow Ball's everyday best.
Happy day,
Molly and Ella
Bow Ball It
Bow Ball It [bou bawl it] (verb): The act of wholeheartedly dedicating oneself to a task, endeavor, or cause, with unwavering commitment, enthusiasm, and determination